We are deep in the process of preparing the last dyed skeins and fresh new roving; working out yarn displays and packing overs and all the booth hardware for the trip to Rhinebeck for the NY Sheep & Wool Festival next weekend. Woo Hoo!

Find us in our old spot in the Horticulture building, downstairs in booth 4 (D-4)

Special colorway (reskeined above and in process below): Rhinebow is Romney semi-worsted yarn; 18 skeins randomly dyed (they won't be the same one skein to the next, but all similar). This yarn will cheer you up twice (just like firewood): once when you knit it and again when you wear it. If Rhinebeck shoppers don’t get it all, Solitude Woolie Cindy has her eye on it....It’s a happy one!

We are also bringing:

Shave ’Em to Save ’Em breeds: Tunis (including new avocado dyed skeins), Clun Forest, Karakul and Cotswold yarns. Leicester Longwool, Jacob, Karakul, Horned Dorset and Tunis fibers. 

Other small batch breed specific yarn and roving: Romney (other dyed colors plus 5 natural colors), Border Leicester (including new avocado dyed skeins drying in photo below), Montadale true woolen, Targhee 3-ply, Dorset hike, Llama-rama and home grown cashmere yarn. We have our custom woven throws and samples of the new patterns Loudoun shawl and Squared up cardigan.

avocado dye experiments: just 6 skeins each of 4 batches: avocado pits (Border Leicester and Tunis, these are the pinker colors) and avocado skins (also Border Leicester and Tunis, the more apricot color). I'm pretty sure this will be the only time we will have these available...when the 24 skeins are gone, that is it. They are lovely soft colors that took two years of us collecting (no hardship there...) and two weeks or more to dye (a considerable amount of work 😁🤪)

All these yarns will be unavailable on the website from sometime about now...until we unpack our baby box truck when we get back.

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